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Your therapist, Gaynor

I have been a qualified Sports massage therapist in Maidstone since 2000.

My interested in sports massage grew initially from my swedish massage course and also having family members have back problems.  They regularly visited osteopaths who used massage alongside their treatments so I decided to train as Sports Masseur too. 


Over the years my rugby playing husband has needed many treatments and when I started running, I knew exactly what I would need.  After 4 Marathons and endless 1/2  marathons I know that I would not have got through them without the massage and constant stretching. 


As a massage therapist my aim is to help people feel better and help reduce their aches and pains, not just through my treatment but advise on stretching too.


I treat clients who all have different reasons for needing a massage, from professional athletes, to those that participate in sport and exercise to keep fit and healthy or to help with ongoing health issues.  I also treat people who don’t exercise at all, those who sit at a desk or in a car all day, those with very physical jobs.  The list goes on. 


Remember you don’t have to be an athlete to need a sports massage


Massage helps recover from and injury and prevent further injury .


I can help you if you are training for a particular event including marathons, triathlons, matches or competitions, I can also help by having a pre and post event massage which helps them to remain injury free and aid recovery.


Anatomy, Physiology and Massage - ITEC.Dip

Sports Massage - ITEC.Dip

Sports Injury - SAC.Dip

Yearly professional CPD courses also attended.

Covered by Full Liability Insurance

Under 18's can be treated with parent/ guardian present

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